Monday, December 23, 2013

Some more details

I mentioned in the last blog that we were moving.  Well, that's happened and the new location is 105 Parr Dr, Huntersville, NC 28078.

The facility is still in the bumping in phase...we've got a wall to paint, a heater to hang, a hole to plug and more mats and a wooden floor to lay but it's getting close to done.


I'm working through the rough edits of the DVDs making any last minute changes that need to be done and, because of that, as well as it being the holidays, the launch dates looks like being mid-Jan.  Will keep everyone posted as to the exact date.


Not much of a blog from a self protection view point but most everyone is with their family and friends anyway.  I'd just say, don't drop your guard because it is the holidays, thanks for reading (and insisting I keep doing this) and look for regular and hugely informative posts in the New Year.

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